Sunday, March 4, 2018

Cake Flavored Book Tag

Hi y'all! I've been tagged by Hannah from Books, Cameras and Succulents!! How wonderful!

Let's do this...

Chocolate Cake: a dark book you absolutely love

Okay, let me tell you all that I don't read dark books, they are too creepy. :) 

Vanilla Cake: a light read
I think that will be romance books, that is for me a light read.:)

Red Velvet: a book that gave you mixed emotions

ooohhh...this is a hard question, because I don't get mixed emotions a lot, so let me think....I guess Emma by Jane Austen, loved that book and I had some mixed emotions and feelings about the story. 

Cheesecake: a book that you would recommend to everyone

This will be easy.. :D Everyone..READ Wonderland Creek by Lynn Austin, such a good book. Worth reading.

Coffee Cake: a book you started but didn't finished

Whoo, there are a lot of books I haven't finished yet. I will go by Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan, because my brother and sisters love it so much.

Carrot Cake: a book with great writing

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, I've read it and loved it.

Cupcakes: a series with 4+ books

The whole entire series of books Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder, it definitely has more books then 4. :D

Fruit Cake: a book that wasn't what you anticipated

Until We Reach Home by Lynn Austin

Lamington: favourite Australian book

I have never read any Australian book, so I will skip this question.

And I tag:

Ruth from Amongst Spring Blossoms
Rebekka from It's a Wonderful Life

And anyone who wants to do the tag!


  1. Yay! Don't the pictures of cake make you hungry? 😀
    It's funny that you answered Anne of Green Gables for the CARROT cake!
    (Did you plan that?) :)

    1. Yeah, it does. :)

      I really didn't noticed it yet, how funny! No, I did not planned this, it was random done.

  2. Oh, love this tag! Super fun. Same, to the first one. And, like, a lot of these!
    Anne of Green Gables YES.
    Love this!

    1. It is a fun tag!

      Anne of Green Gables is so fun!

      <3 <3

  3. All good books! :) I started rereading Until We Reach Home over Christmas break but never got to finish it. It definitely takes the reader all over the place!

    1. Yeah, it does. :)

      They are a lovely books.

      <3 <3

  4. I am very hungry now...

    I love all these books. I only haven't read The Ranger's Apprentice and the second Lynn Austin book.

    Nice answers, Rachel!
